Wednesday, 1 August 2012

10 things you didn't know about me...

  1. I'm aware it's not okay to drink coffee on an empty stomach, but nevertheless, every morning I find myself doing that.
  2. Once I start something I can't stop until I get it done.
  3. I identify myself with the slogan never put off until tomorrow what you can do today and I hate the slogan postpone it until tomorrow maybe it will solve by itself.
  4. I like to think about me that I'm a patriot, however I wouldn't hesitate to leave my country if it wouldn't allow me anymore to earn my daily living.
  5. I'm guided by the principle, if in the past six months, maybe even a year, you haven't added anything to your CV, it should raise you a question mark.
  6. Ambition and seriousness are my defining features.
  7. I like to eat, but I don't value food. I wish I could take a pill that could provide all the necessary proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, etc.. without going through the trouble of cooking and washing dishes after ... it's such a waste of time ... which could be invested in more spiritual activities.
  8. After giving birth I had some extra kilos, so I persisted and managed to get off 10 kg by diet and sports ... At the end of it I was too thin... I'm currently satisfied with my weight, but I would love to have firmer legs.
  9. I want very much to start my own business and without modesty I believe that I would be great at managing it.
  10. Until last Saturday I had an Olympus compact camera, now I have a Nikon D5100 semiprofessional camera. {I must confess that with this camera you could look as ugly as Cruella Deville cause in the photos you will look as beautiful as Snow White}. I highly recommend it, it is a life time investment.

Dress :: Takko
Belt :: Reserved
Sunglasses :: New Yorker
Sandals :: No name
Rings :: H&M
Bracelets :: Zadin

  1. Sunt conştientă că nu e bine să beau cafeaua pe stomacul gol, însă cu toate acestea în fiecare dimineaţă mă regăsesc făcând acest lucru.
  2. Odată ce încep un lucru nu mă pot opri până nu-l duc până la sfârşit.
  3. Mă identific cu lozinca nu lăsa pe mâine ce poţi face azi şi urăsc lozinca lasă pe mâine, poate trece de la sine.
  4. Îmi place să cred despre mine că sunt patrioată, cu toate acestea nu aş ezita să-mi părăsesc ţara dacă nu mi-ar mai oferi posibilitatea să-mi câştig traiul de zi cu zi.
  5. Mă ghidez după principiul, dacă au trecut 6 luni, maxim 1 an, şi nu ţi-ai adăugat nimic la CV trebuie să-ţi pui un semn de întrebare.
  6. Ambiţia şi seriozitatea sunt trăsăturile mele definitorii.
  7. Îmi place să mănânc, dar nu preţuiesc mâncarea. Mi-ar plăcea să pot lua o pastilă care să-mi asigure tot necesarul de proteine, vitamine, glucide etc. fără să mai trec prin osteneala gătitului şi a spălatului vaselor de după... se pierde atât de mult timp... care ar putea fi investit în lucruri mult mai sufleteşti.
  8. După ce am născut, am rămas cu nişte kilograme în plus, aşa că m-am ambiţionat şi am reuşit să dau jos 10 kilograme prin dietă şi activităţi sportive... devenisem mult prea slabă... acum mi-e bine aşa, dar mi-ar prinde bine să fiu mai fermă.
  9. Îmi doresc foarte mult să am propriul meu business şi fără a fi modestă cred că m-aş descurca de minune să-l conduc.
  10. Până sâmbăta trecută am avut o cameră foto compactă Olympus, acum am un Nikon D5100, o cameră foto semiprofesională. {sunt sinceră şi de această dată şi vă mărturisesc că poţi să fii Muma Pădurii, că acestă bijuterie tot Cosânzeana te scoate}. Vi-l recomand, este o investiţie de zile mari.


  1. Thank you for the comment! This dress is adorable, love the star polka-dots!! Would you like to follow each other?


  2. Mirela Mormocea1 August 2012 at 19:09

    you look amazing

  3. Such lovely photos! You have a very cute dress and bag. Would you like to follow each other? Let me know!

  4. You looked like snow white before but I can see the difference. That was a wise investment.
    The quality of the photos is way better now. I always wanted to take photos on the rail way but it´s impossible here. Thanks for your comment I´ve replied :D


    PS: Don´t say these pics were taken with your old camera!!!

    1. No, of course not... This is a DSLR, I wouldn't have been able to obtain the blury background with my old camera.

  5. Ce frumoasa esti! Ai o coafura extrem de chic, te prinde de minune!
    Te urmaresc si eu acum, o seara placuta iti doresc!

  6. cute dress, amazing photos. having a DSLR is a great investment

  7. Great facts, love your ambition and drive. Great photos too :) I just followed you, hope you visit my blog soon and follow back if you like it <3

  8. You look lovely & its great learning a little bit more about you!

    check out my blog & we could follow each other...

  9. Beautiful photos!!! I love your style and the depth of field!!!! nice worl keep on posting!!!

  10. It´s great to know you better!

  11. Loving the dress! Awesome pictures(: Followed! Hope you can do me a favor and follow back(:

  12. Love this post,honey!Nice to get to know a little bit more about you;)

  13. These are fantastic photos! Love all of them!!!

  14. I love your beautiful and amazing photos.You look so cute in this gorgeous and outfits.Your blog is having so amazing and fantastic stuff.

    Bob Hairstyles 2012

  15. it's good to know a little more about you... you are really interesting and beautiful.

  16. The number 1 is just like me! I'm a coffee addicted! xx

  17. I love this post, always good to get to know the writer better :)

    And I have noooo idea what you're talking about with firmer thighs, they look amazing as they are!

  18. I totally love everything about your outfit! :)

  19. Simplu, dar totodata si frumos! mi-a placut enorm...

  20. Love you for 3 & 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  21. Adore your outfit, especially the dress! :D Interesting facts you posted. :*

    I'm following you now. :D If you want, you can find me on:
    Have a nice day! Hugs and kisses! :*

  22. Great outfit! Thanks for sharing. I like when blogs are more personal and go beyond just fashion.

    Deliver Me Diamonds

  23. Ce draguta e rochita, iti vine super, kisses

  24. i loved reading this post! i also drink coffee to empty stomach every single morning :) and YAY for the new camera1

    Fashion Fractions

  25. Love love love it!!!kisses my dear <3

  26. Viseeeeeez la un astfel de aparat foto pentru ca stiu ca aparatul foto face diferenta!

    Apropos,superbe pozele si inedita locatia!Iar de tine nici nu mai zic nimic caci esti o norocoasa ca arati asa!Stiu ca ai facut sport si ai tinit dieta dar trasaturile fetei,alea sunt de la mama natura care a fost darnica!
    Am observat ca ai o gramada de alunite :) Mi se par atat de dragute!Si pistruii la fel si nu inteleg femeile care vor sa scape de ele/ei(decat daca este ceva medical sau daca iti dau un aspect care te complexeaza).

    Te pup!

  27. Follow you back :)

  28. Hi sweetie, You look so cute and I love your outfit <3

    Baci <3

  29. Hi dear
    Thanks for your comment some weeks ago on my blog
    Love the dress, is beautiful

    Kiss kiss.*Jo

  30. Tu esti o fata pe cinste, Zadin!
    Am concluzionat dupa citirea celor 4 postari cu "marturisiri"...
    Si inca ceva: sotul tau este si el norocos pentru faptul ca te are! Sunt sigura ca e constient de acest aspect!:)

    Lavender Thoughts
