Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Rain boots

Rain boots

Today I was involved in a fight... don't worry it wasn't a real fight.
Actually, it was a fight with rain in which I was defeated by far. My feet were soaking wet.
Although I'm not a fan of rain boots {I think they are very unfeminine}I would have appreciated a pair to keep me warm and cozy.
Do you own a pair of such boots? Is it useful?
Which of the above do you like most? My favorite are the polka-dotted ones.

Astăzi am fost implicată într-o luptă ... nu vă faceţi griji, nu a fost o luptă adevărată.
De fapt, a fost o luptă cu ploaia în care am fost învinsă de departe. Picioarele mele s-au udat leoarcă.
Deşi nu sunt o fană a cizmelor de ploaie {cred că sunt foarte nefeminine} mi-ar fi plăcut să am o pereche
confortabilă, care să-mi ţină cald la picioare. 

Voi deţineţi o astfel de pereche de cizme?  Vă sunt utile?
Care din cele de mai sus place cel mai mult? Preferatele mele sunt cele roşii cu buline albe.


  1. Mirela Mormocea29 May 2012 at 22:37

    ...and i say yayyyyyy for the rain boots, and i also say, please sister i'm bagging you, let's buy some rain boots :D:D.
    Second row first column :) <3

  2. Yes I have a pair and if it´s raining a lot you might definitely need a pair. I like the leopard print and the black ones. Why? Because rain boots already attract a lot of attention. So everyone will look at you but if you don´t care the red polka dots are awesome too :D


  3. I've never owned any, but everytime I'm in the rain or snow I keep thinking I need to get some!! they try to make them cute.. So maybe this is the year for me to get some!

    followme@ www.studentswife.com

  4. Nici eu nu am astfel de cizme si desi sunt cam grosolane,totusi mi se par dragute daca au un print dragut sau daca sunt de calitate.

    Cele negre simple si cele rosii cu buline imi plac!

    Te pup!
