Thursday, 24 May 2012

Animal print

As I mentioned in the previous post I did a little online shopping.
Today, I'm showing you, and outfit with shirt and shoes bought in that shopping session.

I craved for a long time to have an animal print outfit {leopard, cheetah, zebra} and until now I didn't have the chance. I'm especially fond of the shoes which can be a good accent in a multitude of combinations.

I know I'm not a specialist in creating outfits, but I can learn to become one, with some help from the native talent lying beneath and with some help from this fashion blog world, which has so many beautiful things to offer.


  1. Mirela Mormocea24 May 2012 at 21:18

    all i can say is wroarrrrrrrr

  2. sexy and sophisticated - one of my fav outfits :D

  3. Sexy shirt,sexy shoes,sexy you! ;)

    Iti vine bine!Ai un corp frumos!

    Te pup!
