Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Words of wisdom

I won't start this post by telling you I'm sorry I was absent for three days.
I'm almost convinced that nobody noticed this, although in my soul, I'd be glad to know that there was at least one person who missed me.
These days I'm very busy, both professionally and personally speaking, and blogging is no longer a priority. I'm missing it, but what can I do, in life there are more important things than this.
I managed, a few days ago, to see,
on a friend's recommendation, The Life of David Gale movie. It's a very interesting movie and I highly recommend it. I extracted two passages from it, that impressed me and made me think about my own life.  
Read them, you won't regret it.

Fantasies have to be unrealistic... because the moment... the second... that you get what you seek... you don't... you can't want it anymore. 
In order to continue to exist... desire must have its objects perpetually absent. 
It's not the "it" that you want. It's the fantasy of "it." 
- So, desire supports crazy fantasies.   …
This is what Lacan means when he says that we are only truly happy... when daydreaming about future happiness.   ….
- Or why we say... the hunt is sweeter than the kill. Or be careful what you wish for, not because you'll get it... but because you're doomed not to want it once you do.
So the lesson of Lacan is, living by your wants will never make you happy.
What it means to be fully human is to strive to live by ideas and ideals... and not to measure your life by what you've attained in terms of your desires... but those small moments of integrity, compassion...rationality, even self-sacrifice. Because in the end, the only way that we can measure the significance of our own lives... is by valuing the lives of others.
   ... we spend our whole lives trying to stop death. 
Eating, inventing, loving, praying... fighting, killing.
But what do we really know about death?
Just that nobody comes back.
But there comes a point in life... a moment... when your mind outlives its desires... its obsessions... when your habits... survive your dreams... and when your losses...
Maybe death is a gift.

Nu o să încep acest post prin a mă scuza că am fost absentă 3 zile.
Sunt aproape convinsă că nimeni nu a observat acest lucru, deşi, în sufletul meu, m-aş bucura să ştiu că i-a fost cuiva dor de mine.
Zilele acestea sunt foarte ocupată atât din punct de vedere profesional cât şi din punct de vedere personal, iar bloggingul nu mai poate constitui o prioritate. Îi duc lipsa, dar ce pot face, în viaţă sunt lucruri mult mai importante decât acesta.

Am reuşit zilele trecute să văd filmul The Life of David Gale, la recomandarea unei prietene. Este un film foarte interesant, pe care vi-l recomand şi din care am extras două pasaje, care mi-au dat de gândit în mod deosebit. Citiţi-le, nu veţi regreta.


  1. GReat looks !!
    love the denom

  2. Imi place mult look-ul!
    Iti vine perfect!

  3. Cute look! Loving your skirt! That movie sounds interesting! I need to check it out!


  4. Foarte draguta tinuta de azi!

  5. love this look! :)


  6. Well I missed you and you look stunning!!! I´ve seen that movie a long time ago and the ending is pretty sad. Your lines sound pretty sad too. So I hope you get well soon!!! Every day is a new beginning!! Don´t forget what you told me "Be patient! Everything will be alright". I truly believe in that :D


    1. Thank you, Mira... for missing me and for your return of advice. Hopefully, it will be alright.

  7. you should smile more often, you have a beautiful smile

  8. Exceptional arata outfitul tau, imi plac enorm hainele confortabile!
    Nu am vazut filmul The Life of David Gale dar citind pasajele mi-am dat seama ca trebuie sa imi fac timp ca sa il vizionez!

  9. Ce superba e tinuta aceasta a ta !!! imi place enorm de mult fusta ! <3



  10. Love that blue top of yours!!! so hot!!! xxx

  11. Sounds like it was a great movie...I need to check it out! And I just love your outfit!
    A's Fashion Files
    Shop Kawaii Kitsch by A on Etsy!

  12. i love your skirt, you really know how to rock your skirts


  13. great skirt ! love how you look :) E, http://letsdothecatwalkladies.blogspot.com/

  14. Love your glasses!

    I'll start following you via Bloglovin and Facebook!

    Maybe you can follow me back!


  15. Lovely look! I'll definitely check out the movie :D

  16. You look lovely! The skirt is great!
    Very inspiring those two passages from the movie.

  17. yeah life gets in the way.....but you're looking great in this comeback outfit!!


  18. Those ballet flats are so cute

  19. Very beautiful, thought provoking passages. I think that's true, that the pursuit of happiness is better than "achieving" it. Lovely outfit, by the way!

  20. Ce delicata si finuta esti, foarte frumoasa tinuta!! :)

  21. M-au pus pe ganduri aceste vorbe...Multumesc pentru ca le-ai scris in aceasta postare!
