Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Something to think about...

Blogging is not always about writing but also about reading and what I like the most is when I read things which give me to think about my own live.
That happened to me recently. The thing that gave me something to think about was actually a question:  
what would you ask God if you had the chance to meet him?
Is there something I would have to ask? Well... being a very curious nature, I would have a million things to ask.

Here are a few:

When will my son start to speak? {although he is 3 years old, he has a small baggage of words in his vocabulary}
Will he be a loving man when he will be a grownup?
Will he visit us (me and his father)?
Will I ever gonna have my own business? Will it be successful?
Will my husband and I live happily ever after?
Will we also have a daughter?
Will I live long enough to get to see my grandchildren?
Will I ever get to see New York?
Will I ever have gonna have a house on the edge of a mountain lake?

You? What questions would you pose?

Some pictures of Adi the Funny {AKA sonny} latest adventures

Bloggingul nu înseamnă întodeauna să scrii ci să şi citeşti şi cel mai mult îmi place când citesc lucruri care-mi dau de gândit asupra propriei vieţi. Aşa mi s-a întâmplat de curând. Lucrul care mi-a dat de gândit este de fapt o întrebare:  
ce l-ai întreba pe Dumnezeu dacă ai avea şansa să-l întâlneşti?
Oare eu aş avea ceva să-l întreb? Păi fiind o fire destul de curioasă aş avea un milion de lucruri să-l întreb.

Iată câteva:

Când va vorbi fiul meu? {deşi are 3 ani are un bagaj restrâns de cuvinte}
Va fi un bărbat iubitor atunci când va fi mare?
Ne va vizita (pe mine şi pe tatăl lui)?
Voi avea propria mea afacere vreodată? Va fi una de succes?
Eu şi soţul meu vom trăi fericiţi până la adânci bătrâneţi?
Vom avea şi o fetiţă?
Voi trăi suficient de mult ca să ajung să-mi văd nepoţii?
Voi ajunge să văd New York-ul?
Vom avea vreodată o casă pe marginea unui lac de munte?

Voi? Ce întrebări aveţi pregătite?


  1. I have a whole list of things to ask God---not only about the future but why things have happened in my life in the past. Your son is so, so cute!!

    1. Yes, this is an interesting view over things, I didn't think about the past.

  2. Sooooooooooo cute :))

    Have a great day!


  3. Cat de dragut si amuzant e baietelul tau!

  4. Sincer nu m-am gandit niciodata la asa ceva dar si eu asi fii curioasa daca voi trai suficient de mult ca sa imi vad nepotii! Ai un baietel foarte haios!

  5. So cute!!! my list is very simple "Will I be happy?"

  6. maybe knowing the answers to all these questions will make life to easy and maybe searching these answers in you it's the most challenging thing about you/us on this world

    1. In some ways you maybe right, but knowing the answers would give courage to prove he wasn't wrong about me.

    2. Perfect de acord cu cele spuse de Mirela!

  7. eu l-as intreba de unde are iubirea asta infinita fata de noi, oamenii, care devenim din ce in ce mai rai de la o zi la alta... in ceea ce priveste viitorul meu, cred ca sta in puterea mea sa-l construiesc in intregime, nu cred ca Dumnezeu imi poate raspunde la intrebari legate de viitorul meu

    1. Eu bine să crezi doar în forţele proprii, dar mie îmi place să cred că sunt lucruri care ţin şi de cel de sus.

  8. That are some good questions. I have never thought about what I would ask him. What are you going to do if his answers will not please you? I rather not ask him. Adi is adorable and don´t worry. Everything is going to be alright :D


    1. To be honest I didn't thought about this. What would happen if I didn't like his answer?
      I know myself and probably I would prove him wrong or die trying.

  9. copilu tau e tare dragut,se vede ca e istet.pupici

  10. This is such a neat post. I have thought about questions like this before. What a great thing to post about to really inspire people.

  11. That's a nice post. Regarding your son having a small vocabulary, my brother didn't speak a word for the longeeeest time. My parents even took him to all specialist doctors etc and no one could find anything wrong with him. Then one day, out of the blue, he just started speaking the whole sentences...just like that. So...don't worry. It'll come.

  12. ce frumos e baiatul tau si ce bine-i sta cu ochelarii aceia de vedeere <3 . Sunt convinsa ca toata lumea ar avea o gramada de intrebari de adresat lui Doamne Doamne . :D


  13. Ha ha ha super haioase pozele! AI o dulceata de baiat! Sa-ti creasca mare si sanatos!!!
