Monday, 17 September 2012

The challenge - part II

I was saying here that I received the challenge to wear the same dress as my sister, but in a personal style. I tried to stand up to the expectations, but I don't know if  I succeeded... You will have to tell me that.

I wore this combination to a romantic dinner with my husband and I can tell you that I received many compliments from him. It's somehow normal since I'm his wife, he wasn't supposed to tell me I look bad ... although now that I think about it, I can say that he is one of my most trusted critics. However {blinded by love} I'm sure he overlooks some of my flaws caused by the passage of the years and by the lack of physical training.

I personally do the same thing, so we are both aware that physical beauty isn't the basis of our relationship, because it's temporary, unlike inner beauty. Sounds a bit of cliché, but it's the naked truth.

Dress::Asos / Ankle Boots::Graceland via Deichmann / Other accessories::Unknown Brand

Vă spuneam aici că am primit provocarea de a purta în stilul meu personal aceeaşi rochie ca şi sora mea. M-am străduit să mă ridic la înălţimea aşteptărilor, însă nu ştiu dacă am şi reuşit... asta va trebui să-mi spuneţi voi.

Eu am purtat această combinaţie la o cină romantică cu soţul meu şi pot să vă spun că am atras multe complimente din partea lui. Este şi normal, doar sunt soţia lui, doar nu mi-ar spune că îmi stă rău... deşi acum că mă gândesc mai bine, pot spune că este unul dintre cei mai de încredere critici ai mei. Cu toate acestea {orbit de iubire} sunt sigură că mai trece cu vederea anumite defecte datorate trecerii anilor şi lipsei de condiţie fizică.

Dar şi eu fac acelaşi lucru, aşa că suntem conştienţi amândoi că nu frumuseţea fizică constituie baza relaţiei noastre, pentru că aceasta este trecătoare, ci cea interioară. Sună un pic a clişeu, dar este adevărul gol goluţ.


  1. Replies
    1. Şi eu nu am nimic împotrivă.

    2. Nu stiu de ce, dar acest compliment nu ma flateaza.

  2. You definitely succeeded, gorgeous

    1. Cum ar spune fiul meu "sea"... adică ... mersi! Şi tu te-ai descurcat excelent!

  3. Totally love this look!!


  4. I think you did a fantastic job wearing this dress. you look so soft and elegant yet romantic. Way to go!

    Understated Classics

  5. Your sister has a more innocent, childish look (due to her hair and eyes and also the fact she wasn't wearing high heels), but you are elegant and look more mature (in a good way) and I love the black/white contrast you chose. Fits great with your hair :) I like your version more but both of you look amazing and you definitely have different styles!

  6. You really look gorgeous in this outfit! I love the edgy heels paired with a feminine dress. GORGEOUS! I think it's so important for couples to always give each other compliments. You definitely always want to feel beautiful to your partner.

    xo Jenny

  7. I hope your sister won´t hate me but in my opinion you won the challenge. I love that classy black and white look with the gorgeous heels and the black clutch!!! Better luck next time lil sister :D


    1. i don't mind that Mira :)

    2. ...oh and btw, it wasn't a competition it was just a challenge, and i am lucky that i have her as my sister

    3. Yes you are lucky to have her and she´s lucky to have you. I loved your challenge and I hope you make more challenges in the future :D

  8. Very cute, I love the shades with the dress too :)

  9. I like the cool, chic & edgy look!

  10. I liked Mirela's approach more! Maybe because she wore it at my wedding and looked like an angel.

    1. You are so sweet Liliana, i hope you are having great fun in your honeymoon

  11. Such a lovely post!
    Hey, dear blogger:) Today there is a giveaway at my blog and I think you will like it! So when you have time please take a look and join if you want:) Tell also your friends about it, I am sure many girls would love to have this bag:) Happy blogging!

    all the best!

  12. I think I like hers better :D But you look awesome too :x

  13. Amandoi aratati minunat! Sora ta in rochita arata mai romantic,iar tu mai chic. Mie personal imi place mai mult combinatia ta, contrastul intre alb si negru este pe placul meu!

  14. Eu as fi optat pentru mai multa culoare: alb si negru pare monoton, iar faptul ca ai asortat toate accesoriile... nu ajuta outfitul sa iasa din anonimat.

    Oricum interesanta ideea si sunt bine venite astfel de challenge-uri pe viitor.
    Mai mult curaj!

  15. Cat e de frumpasa rochita draga mea si ce bine iti vine <3

  16. Esti un mix frumos de chip angelic si femme fatale!!! Love it!

  17. Super frumoasa tinuta. Mie imi pla mai mult cum ai purtat-o tu :)

  18. U look great!!!
    Check out my new blog:

  19. lovely dress ! you look great ! E,

  20. You look wonderful. Gorgeous dress, really girly and romantic.

  21. Imi place mai mult aceasta varianta, e ma apropiata de stilul meu. Imi plac astfel de postari. E ceva nou si foarte creativ!

  22. Mi-a placut jocul vostru, creativ. Imi place tinuta ta, la fel de mult ca si cea a surorii tale, sunteti diferite si in stil.


  23. imi place mai mult tinuta ta, cred ca si pentru ca ai fost mai naturala :)

  24. Un om care se ingrijeste si este aranjat mereu are din partea mea admiratia dar nu este suficient pentru a ma face sa il si iubesc.Pentru asta este nevoie si de ingrijirea interioara.Imi place ca iubitul meu sa fie intr-o forma fizica buna cat mai mult posibil chiar daca vor trece anii peste el insa cel mai mult pun accentul pe comunicare si sentimente.

    In privinta tinutei tale nu pot spune nimic altceva decat ca esti senzuala!

    Te pup!

  25. very refined.
