Friday, 8 June 2012

Sexy sandals reloaded

I hate to be bragging, but when you get, as a present, that sexy pair of sandals that you have yearned after for so long and you've admired in dozens of photos on the internet, is impossible not to be a bit bragging.

The gift was from my husband, who knows me very well and always knows what I want. I think he tried to compensate a bit for the fact that he was away too long. Just between us, he succeeded a little.

The sandals are simply gorgeous.

Nu-mi place să fiu lăudăroasă, dar când primeşti cadou acea pereche de sandale sexy după care ai tânjit atât de mult şi pe care ai admirat-o în zeci de poze pe internet, este imposibil să nu fii măcar puţin lăudăroasă.

Cadoul a fost din partea soţului meu, care mă cunoaşte  şi care ştie
foarte bine ceea ce îmi doresc. Cred ca a încercat să compenseze un pic pentru faptul că a fost plecat atâta timp. Fie vorba între noi, a reuşit un pic.

Sandalele sunt de-a dreptul superbe.


  1. Mirela Mormocea8 June 2012 at 21:32

    those are magnificent, you sexy mama!

  2. They are and they go with everything :D

  3. i keep seeing those sandals everywhere and i'm starting to think i NEED a pair. zara shoes are hard for me to fit into though...i'm between sizes. =( i absolutely LOVE your haircut! gorgeous!

    xoxo, jenn
    the stylish housewife

  4. Love your style!

  5. Faci foarte bine ca te madresti cu ele,unu pentru ca sunt cele la care ai visat atata timp si doi fiindca sunt de la persoana iubita.

    Sunt frumose foc!

    Te pup!

  6. Oh they look so gorgeous! The tiny heel and the look completes them perfectly! :D

  7. İ like the sandals,it is good on you,
