Sunday, 28 October 2012

Fall colors

We spent today exactly as we enjoy more.
The weather, a little uncertain at first, tried to keep us from leaving the house, but we, the three musketeers, weren't intimidated, so we went for a walk in the park.
I'm not a fan of fall, but I honestly confess that there is no season when the park looks more beautiful, than the fall. Shades of brown, mustard, green combine perfectly resulting an irresistible landscape, a real delight for our retina, so exhausted by too much computer viewing.
Our son, Adi, was as usual in the spotlight and we tried to keep up with him without ignoring our own thirst for fresh air and relaxation. We needed this break to charge our batteries.
I leave you with some photos taken during this going out and I wish you all to have a week full of accomplishments and good things,

Azi ne-am petrecut ziua exact aşa cum ne place nouă mai mult.
Vremea un pic incertă era cât pe ce să ne împiedice să ieşim din casă, dar noi, cei trei muşchetari, nu ne-am lăsat intimidaţi aşa că am ieşit la o plimbare prin parc.
Nu sunt un fan al toamnei, dar cu sinceritate vă mărturisesc că nu există anotimp în care parcul arată mai frumos, decât toamna. Nuanţe de arămiu, muştar, verde se îmbină perfect rezultând un peisaj irezistibil, o reală încântare pentru retina noastră obosită de atâta calculator.
Fiul noastru, Adi, a fost ca de obicei centrul atenţiei, iar noi am încercat să îi ţinem isonul fără a ne ignora propria sete de aer curat şi de relaxare. Doar şi noi aveam nevoie să ne încărcăm bateriile.
Vă las cu câteva poze făcute în timpul acestei ieşiri şi vă urez să aveţi o săptămână plină de realizări şi de lucruri bune.


  1. Sacoul acela este superb. Cel mic e tare haios cu ochelarii la ochi;)).

  2. Tinuta se armonizeaza perfect cu decorul tomnatic, arati superb! Ai un fiu adorabil!

  3. Autum is great, even if the weather is tricky we should get creative with these beautiful colours nature indulges us, we should get inspired by this season. The outfit looks great on you, you have a beautiful coat and a nice pair of boots. And Adi is funny and smart and innocent as usual.

  4. the photos look amazing, i love ur outfit and ur son looks amazing in them shades

  5. those are gorgeous pictures and I am really glad that you were able to go out and recharge your batteries! There really is no season more beautiful than fall! and it is because of all the beautiful colors! (but I agree, I am not a huge fan of fall)
    I hope you have a great day sweetie!


  6. Sacoul e superb, perfect pt. o zi de toamna care pare insorita dar defapt e friguroasa. Arati minunat.

  7. Sacoul si geanta mi le plac tare mult :) iar piciul tau e atat de dragut <3 o frumusete de baiat !!! :)

    O saptamana frumoasa ! :)

  8. Cat de frumoase sunt fotografiile!
    Imi plac mult cizmele tale :)

  9. Superbe fotografii, ca intodeauna. Ai un baietel foarte haios!

  10. really great boots and love the shots

    ♥ Thankfifi
    Thanks for your comment on my post :)

  11. Adi zambaret ca de obicei si pus pe sotii :) Iar mamica lui frumoasa si finuta!
    Haina cu linie simpla,almost manly iar umerii bine structurati este 100% pe gustul meu.Se asorteaza bine cu cizmele.

    Te pup!

  12. Love your boots and jacket! And your son is so cute ♥

  13. Your son is super cute! Also I love your boots!

  14. YOur boots are awesome!! YOu can wear these with ANYTHING!! I am after them!!

  15. I love those boots. They're the same ones your little son wore in previous post, right? :D

  16. Lovely photos. I wish we had a fall like that. It´s super cold and already snowed over here. Wish you a wonderful week too <3


  17. Adorabila...imi plac mult cizmele si ochelarii <3

  18. Your kids are totally adorable & you look great!

  19. Two important clothing pieces that you can find in the wardrobe of a man are t-shirts and jackets. T-shirts make the perfect choice for summers as these lightweight tees help them feel easy together with looking stylish.

  20. Your boots are very beautiful :)

  21. Ador botinele! <3 <3 si muulte alte inimioare!
